Chapter one (second part)

Chapter one, part two: Help (not) Wanted.

* * *

My dad let's me work mornings on the weekends, that way I can have free time. I do feel guilty, though, since he spends almost all of his free time at work. I was a little disappointed when I showed up to work today...Nicholas wasn't there because my dad said he didn't need training anymore. I'm not for sure if I like that idea or if I hate it.

After work, Dad gave me my paycheck (like he does every Saturday, so I can buy Cd's.) Kristinia drops me off at the music store, but then she goes to the mall with her friends. She hates having to drive me around, but my dad makes her.

" When is your birthday again?" She asks me this every time she drives me anywhere.

"May 13th." I answered, annoyed.

"That means you have to wait another two months before you get your license?
She asked. Then she sighed a very loud sigh to let me know she wasn't happy about that.

It only takes fifteen minutes to get to Crescent Hill, which is where the music store is, (It's also where Nicholas lives, but that's besides the point), but with all of Kristinia's griping, it felt like an hour.

When she dropped me off, I walked in and went right to my little corner. They have all kinds of books that teach you how to play songs from famous musicians. I grabbed one that looked interesting, and started walking while I was also reading. Stupid mistake, because I soon bumped into somebody.

"I'm so sorry! I-" I looked up and lost the words that I was trying to spit out. It was...him.

"Hey Lilly...what are you doing here?" He held out his hand to help me up from the fall I took when I bumped into him.

I looked at his hand. After a few seconds, I grabbed it, but as soon as I was up, I jerked my hand to my side. "I'm just looking at songs that might be interesting to play. What are you doing here?" I asked him.

"I'm getting some more sheet music for me and my guys." He said.

"What do you play?" I was surprised.

"I play the guitar. Do you play anything?"

"Y-you play an instrument?" I was too stunned to answer his question.

"Ha, yes. There are alot of things about me that you don't know." He laughed. Man, how I suddenly wish I did know those things.

"Hey, do you want to grab a bite to eat or something?" He asked me.

I nodded my head yes at his unexpected question, and we left. I didn't even care about buying that book that looked so interesting about five seconds ago.
We sat outside, in a private corner away from the world. The March air was a little chilly, but I didn't mind.

"So, you never answered me. What instrument do you play?" He asked.
"Guitar. Sorry for not answering you..." I told him. I was looking down at the table, too shy to look up at his face.

"It's okay. So...what do you do for fun?" He asked me.

"Well, I like to go walking in the woods behind my house, I like to read, I play guitar...why do you want to know about me? I'm a boring person."

"Ha, boring? I guess that makes me boring, too. I go walking everyday."

"Where do you go walking?" I wondered. Crescent Hill has no walking areas, except for the shopping mall, but that really doesn't count.

"I drive out to the country and go walking on the trails in the woods."

"Why would you drive that far just to go walking?" I asked him.

"To get my mind off of my problems." He said.

I looked up at him. "What problems could you possibly have?"

"Everybody's got problems." He smiled. Please. He's rich, popular, and (as much as I hate to say it: cute.) How could he have problems?

Like he had been reading my mind, he said: "Just because I'm rich doesn't mean my life is perfect, you know. Money causes more problems than anything."

That may be true, but having no money also causes problems, I thought to myself.

The waitress came and gave us our ticket for our meal. If you could even call it a consisted of two Dr. Peppers, chips, and salsa. (Which we never really ate, we just mainly picked at it while we talked.)

"It's five o'clock. I told the guys I would meet them for practice at four thirty." He said, looking at his watch, while getting the money out to pay the waitress.

"Five o'clock?! I was supposed to meet Kristinia outside the music store at four fifteen! I bet she already left me."

"It's okay, I can take you." He said.

"But I thought you had baseball practice. Won't that make your coach even more mad?"

"Baseball practice?" He laughed. "No, not today. It's Saturday."

"But you said you told the guys you would meet them for practice..."

He laughed again. "I meant my band. We practice everyday."

"You have a band?" I was almost speechless.

"Yes, and speaking of my band, that reminds me, we have a gig next Saturday. It's about thirty minutes away from here. Would you like to come? You can be my guest." He smiled.

"Definitely!" I was ecstatic. This would be my first concert!

On the way home, he told me about his band. He said he started it a year ago with some of his older friends. They don't live here or go to our high school, so I don't know them. We pulled up in my driveway, and sure enough, Kristinia's expensive tiny car was parked in the driveway.

"I'll pick you up at seven next Saturday."

"Okay, bye." I got out and walked to the door, smiling. Was this a dream?

"What are you smiling about? And who drove you home?" Kristinia asked as soon as I walked in.

"It's none of your business while I am smiling, and Nicholas drove me home. Why does it matter to you?" I asked her.

"Just wondering. What is he doing driving you home?" She asked, skeptically.

"Because, he met me at the music store and we went and got something to eat." I smiled at her. I knew what I had just said bugged the crap out of her.

"Well, you won't be hanging out with him any longer." She said, putting air quotes around the "hanging".

"And exactly how are you going to stop that?"

"Well...I was supposed to be the one driving you home, and since you went somewhere you didn't have permission to be going, I'm going to tell your dad." She smirked.

"Whatever." I walked past her and went to my room.

"Who has been in my room?!" I yelled, looking around at all the boxes that were piled up. My stereo had been unplugged from the wall, and was now sitting on my bed.

"Oh, that was my mom. You're going to be sharing a room with me. Unfortunately." She rolled her eyes.

"And why?!" I asked, still mad that somebody had been in my room, messing with my things, without my permission.

Jenny walked in to answer that one. "First off, don't talk to your sister like that," ugh, sister. I hate that word when it's used to describe Kristinia. "and second, because your father and I are having a baby!" Her tone changed after she told me the second part.

"This house is way too small for the four of us, how in the world are we supposed to have room for the baby and all the belongings that come with it?" I asked. Even though I knew what she had just told me, I didn't comprehend it very well.

I guess Jenny was expecting me to be happy for her, because she answered this to my reply: "Well, we are adults, and if we choose to have a baby, we can. Now, box up some of your things and when you get done with that, go to the cafe because you have someone else you need to train."

"Who else put in an application?"

"You're looking right at her." Kristina said, smiling. Crap.

Thanks for reading, and please, comment me and tell me what you think. Also, the first part of chapter two should be coming out at the end of next week. I hope you are enjoying the story so far!

chapter one (first part)

Chapter one: Help (not) Wanted. {Part one}

Evil stepmother? Check.

Evil stepsister? Check.

Poor family? Check.

No, I'm not Cinderella. Far from it, actually. I don't have a prince charming, I don't have a fairy Godmother, and in the end, I don't turn into a beautiful princess. All the bad luck Cinderella encountered: I have. The good: Eh, not so much.

It's almost six o' clock now, which means it's time to head for work. I am only fifteen, but my dad owns a cafe here in Fort Hills, so I waitress while he cooks. Jenny (my stepmother) and Kristinia (stepsister) don't help us out at all. Jenny will come in every now and then to help us when we're busy, but they usually stay at home and plan world domination, or whatever it is that evil step-family exist for.

My dad has owned this cafe ever since him and my mother first got married. They decided to open it up one day, and they fell in love with the business. Ever since my mother died, I've been the only one helping him. We need more workers, but no one seems to be interested in serving up greasy, artery-clogging deliciousness, served with a side of diabetes- producing sweetness. I pray every day that my dad will find some help, because it is hard for him to manage while I am at school. Of course, that's when business is the slowest anyways.

...I think God answered my prayers. Not exactly who I would choose, though. There I was, putting on my apron, getting ready to waitress a table of two, when he walked in. I had seen him around school before, but I knew nothing of him, other than the fact that he's rich, popular, and plays baseball. Rich, popular guys? Eh, not so much my type, more Kristinia's type of guy. So I knew that when he walked in and said, " Hi, I'm here for an application", it was going to be hell working with him. I unwillingly handed him an application, and went on with my job. He sat in a corner table and started filling it out.

After I was done taking my customer's orders, I glanced over to see if he was still writing. He was gone. "Hmph," I told myself, "guess he figured it would be easier to live off his parents' money than to make his own." In a way, I was glad, because I knew I wouldn't like him, but then again, I felt sorry because it's still going to be my dad and I working by ourselves. Don't get me wrong, my dad loves working like this, but these "waking up at four thirty in the morning, working his butt off all day, then getting to bed at midnight" days are killing my dad. Jenny could help my dad, but she's too caught up in "perfecting the house". Everyday we have something new, different, or rearranged in our house. Seriously, what do they do while we're gone?

A few, tedious, work-filled days drug by before I saw that guy again. Yes, he was back. Unfortunately. (Or fortunately...I still haven't figured out if it's best he works here or not. I don't want to be miserable having to work with him, but I don't want to be miserable having to work by myself.) I guess either way it's a lose-lose situation for me.

"Hi, um, here's my application." He smiled, holding out his application for me to grab. Ugh, perfect smile, as usual. That disgusts me. I mean, yeah, he's good looking, but he tries to hard.

"Thanks." I grabbed it from him, uninterested.

He stood there for a minute, like he was waiting for something.

"We will call you if you get the job. You can go home now." I turned around and placed the application next to the cash register. I looked up. He was still there.

"Can I help you?" I asked him.

"Um, no, I guess I will be waiting for that call." He flashed a smile as he was turning to leave.


"Dad, I know you need help, but this guy is not the best choice. He is a teenage boy, and he will probably just goof around all day." I whined to my dad after he told me he was considering hiring that boy.

"Well, if he gets out of hand, I can always fire him. We don't want to pass up a good opportunity. Let's give it a shot." He nudged me on the arm.
"Fine, but I am going to hate working with him."

"With who?" Kristinia walked in asking. She always barges in on conversations.

"Some guy at school. He wants to work at the cafe." I blankly told her.

"Oh. Who is he?" She asked. (The only reason she was interested was because I said, "guy at school". She is someone who loves to be in the spotlight, and loves to get attention from guys. That's why she's curious about this guy.)

"Nobody." I got up and walked into the kitchen. I saw his application sitting on the table. wouldn't hurt to look it over and see his information. I smiled to myself.

Nicholas Tanner Herrington. Seventeen years old. Oh, he lives on Crescent hill, the richest place in Fort Hills. Who would have guessed that...

"Personal information, sweetie." My dad said, catching me in the act of my nosiness.

"Sorry Dad." I put the paper down, and walked into my room.

I pulled out my mouse, Pepper, and let her crawl in my hands. My mother had gotten me Pepper for Christmas. The last holiday we had together. My mother said she had gotten me a mouse because I reminded her of one, with my shyness, and because I "hide" away from the world. I guess that is true. Mice get away from the world by burrowing underneath their bedding, while I get away by "burrowing" in my room with my guitar or my reading.

Pepper always comforts me when I am having a bad day. She is the only thing in this house that can comfort me. I do have Sam, but she doesn't live in this house. She is my best friend, my only friend for that matter. I guess people don't like me because of the way I dress. Kind of like how people don't like mice because of their tails.

"Lilly?" My dad called. He acted like he was yelling across the football field just to get my attention. I guess he forgets we are no longer in our old, spacious house anymore. We are stuck here, in a three bedroom house that really isn't fit to be a three bedroom house. It is more like the size of a one bedroom house. So, since all the rooms are crowded together, you can easily hear one another talking in a different room.

"Yeah dad?" I put Pepper in her cage and walked into the kitchen.

"Will you call Nicholas and tell him he can come into work tomorrow afternoon, at six? You will be training him." My dad handed me his number and walked off, not leaving me any time to protest.

I slowly grabbed the phone and punched in the number.

"Hello, Herrington residence." A woman's voice answered. It sounded very enunciated and drawn out. More like: "Helloo. Herrington residence."

"Hi, is Nicholas there?" I asked her.

"Whoo's callinnng?"

"Lilly Adams. I need to talk to him about his job."

"Oooh riight, hold on." She sounded very rude.

After a few seconds, Nicholas answered. "Hello?" He sounded more life like and real.

"Hi Nicholas, this is Lilly. You put in an application at my dad's cafe. He wants me to tell you that you're hired, and you have to come in tomorrow at six for your training."

"Oh great! By the way, you can call me Nick." He said.

"Okay, well see you tomorrow, Nicholas." I hung up, and laughed. I called him Nicholas because he wanted me to call him Nick. Sorry, but I don't listen to people I don't like.

Sam said she was there to "support" me while I had to train Nicholas. (Or so she says. I know she was actually here for the burgers.) I keep trying to get her to work with me, but her mom owns a candle shop, and Sam works with her mother there.

Nicholas walked in, and Sam and I both looked in his direction.

"Hey Nicholas!" My dad walked up and shook hands with him.

"Hi Mr. Adams. You can call me Nick." Man, he must hate the name Nicholas.

"Well Nick, Lilly here is going to be helping you out, showing you around." My dad patted him on the back, then walked towards the kitchen to begin his busy shift.

He smiled at me. Instead of smiling back, I looked away. "Okay, let's get started." I said, walking towards the counter.

"Well, Lilly, I'm going to head home. Have fun..."Sam ran out after scarfing down her burger.

I started to show him where everything was around here, when a customer walked in.

"I'll take this table. Watch me, then when somebody else comes in, you get their table, okay?" I grabbed the menus and silverware, and headed over to where they were sitting, Nicholas following right behind me, like a little puppy.


When that table left, I took a lunch break, telling Nicholas to wait on the next person who comes in. I had just started in to my ice cream sundae my dad had made for me, when Nicholas came over and sat right beside me.

"Can I help you?" I asked, looking over at him. I never realized how beautiful he actually was. He had captivating blue eyes and delicate brown hair. I shook my head. Get these thoughts out!

"Well, no one has come in yet, so I decided to sit down. Am I allowed to sit?" He asked.

"I'm eating. Go wipe down those tables." I pointed to the tables farthest away.

"But no one has sat at them."

"Well, they need cleaning. Go. You don't want to mess up on your first day, do you?" He grabbed a washcloth, dipped it in the soapy water, and walked over to the tables. I stuffed a mouthful of sundae into my mouth, and smiled as I thought about how funny it was that I had just ordered him around...and how cute he looked following my orders. These thoughts again! Gah!

When I got home, I talked to Sam about everything. Including me thinking there might be a relative chance that he's remotely cute. She gave me great advice (like always): Ignore him until he gets the hint to leave me alone, then I wouldn't have to worry about liking him even more. Simple. Plus, tomorrow was Friday, which means the weekend is close. Therefore, I get to go to my favorite place: The music store. I go there every Saturday and spend most of the day there, getting inspiration for my songs that I write.

At work, it was hard to ignore him, but I managed. He was always following me, asking me questions about this and that, and I just pretended like I didn't hear him. I don't know why he wanted to talk so much. Maybe he was lonely or something. Or maybe he got tired of hearing that same old monotone voice that his mother has, so he is wanting to talk to somebody different. Well, if he wants different, he came to the right place.

Today, Kristinia came in. "Hey Lilly! -Oh, who is this guy?" She asked, trying to make it look like she had no idea he worked here. Her attempt failed. She sounded as fake as her glue-on fingernails looked.

"I'm Nick." He said, nodding his head at her.

She batted her eyelashes at him and giggled. Disgusting.

I don't know why, but Kristinia unexpectedly coming in here, repulsively flirting with him bugged me more than it does when he follows me around. "And we are busy." I said, grabbing his arm and leading him to the kitchen. Kristinia never comes inside the cafe. Of course, now that there's a guy here...

"Well, what is there to do? There's no customers." He said.

"Actually, you can...wash dishes." I led him to the sink.

" Oh, that won't take long, just load them in the dishwasher."

"Um, our dishwasher's broke, so you have to wash them by hand. One by one. Good luck!" I lied, leaving him behind before he could question me.

I walked back to where Kristinia was still standing. "Did you need something?" I asked her.

"Yes, I was wanting to ask your dad if I could work here." I couldn't help but laugh to that one.

"You? Work? Yeah, right." I still continued laughing, but this time I walked off, going back into the kitchen to see how Nicholas was doing.


This is only the first part of chapter one, more will be posted in a couple days. So be sure to keep checking. I broke the chapter up because it was long, but if you think what I wrote above it too long, then please tell me so I can be sure not to write as much next time. Thank you for reading :)

Please leave comments, and please tell me whether I wrote too much, not enough, or just enough. ( I don't want to write all this at once if you're not willing to read it all at once :/ )

Comments are appreciated...tell me what you think, what I need to change, what you don't understand, or what you like...I would love feed back!!!

P.S. (there is a knew character on the side, be sure to read about him!)